Deaf culture consultation provides a window into the Deaf and hard of hearing world and improves cultural competency to better equip businesses, communities, and campuses serving the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

Deaf Culture
Deaf Culture TrainingDeaf and hard of hearing communities have a vibrant and rich culture with an interesting history.
DSU provides consulting services on Deaf culture, communication styles, accommodations, and best practices to corporations, government agencies, and colleges and universities throughout the country. Consultation can be facilitated one-on-one, or in small group meetings, test groups, and trainings. These services are especially helpful in forging collaborative environments for Deaf and hearing people alike.
Communication Styles

For Deaf and hard of hearing individuals, culture and language intertwine, with language reflecting characteristics of culture.
As a result, the communication styles of many Deaf and hard of hearing individuals can be very different from communication styles used by hearing individuals. This consultation helps to bridge that gap and encourage understanding.
We’re making conversations happen.
Requesting a consultation through DSU is as simple as a phone call or click of the mouse.